Persona Perspectives: Elevating Employee Engagement, DEIB and Talent Acquisition Efforts

Original Air Date:

Apr 03, 2024 • 60 min

Persona Perspectives: Elevating Employee Engagement, DEIB and Talent Acquisition Efforts

Marketing and branding experts have a critical tool they use to ensure they are resonating with their target markets – personas. This simple technique of naming and personifying their markets, moves concepts from theoretical to human. It enables them to think through their target audiences’ needs, challenges, desires, accessibility, etc. so they can craft the perfect message. Watch this webcast to see how you can apply personas to increase engagement, inclusivity and hiring effectiveness.

This webcast:

  • Introduced the concept of personas: what they are and how they are used to craft highly effective messaging.
  • Explored how to apply personas to hiring programs to expand candidate outreach and engagement.
  • Dove into techniques for using personas to generate actionable insight across a diverse range of candidates, increasing the size and quality of candidate pools.